Supralift - the professional search engine for used forklift trucks and forklift rental confirms the following dealer as trusted and reliable dealer.
Polígono Ciudad del Transporte, C. Límite Sur, naves 4-5
50820 San Juan de Mozarrifar, Zaragoza
What does the Top Seller label stand for?
- The company is a professional dealer for used forklift trucks and warehouse equipment
- The indicated location and phone numbers have been validated
- There are no negative information regarding creditworthiness and solvency known
- We have a current very good mutual trustfull business relationship to the dealer
- Supralift can recommend to buy or rent a truck with this company
Incoming complaints from customers or buyers can lead to the examination and loss of the label!
Are you interesed in the TOP SELLER label?
Contact us for further information: info[at] - Tel. +49 (0)69 299 92 910