Online tools around the forklift market
The unique reference book with the free online database access

This revolutionary reference book by Lectura offers market reviews of thousands of currently manufactured machine models. You can find webcodes for every machine in the printed version, including access to further online digital data (brochures, data sheets and images). Gain access to an immense library condensed in to one publication.
Situation, development, values and trends of Front Forklifts and Telehandlers
Up-to-date information on the situation, development, values and trends of front forklifts and telehandlers in the used machine market. Lectura through their cooperation with Supralift have analyzed millions of used forklift offers from 2010 to 2013. The results have been put together to create a report with an easy to understand overview, ranking lists and analysis – by country, manufacturer and model of forklift.
More information and a free edition of the report are available through the following link.
Lectura used equipment report